We are 60 students from many different degree programs at RWTH Aachen University and FH Aachen - University of Applied Sciences. No matter how much previous knowledge you have, everyone can contribute. Due to our broad range of topics, we have many positions available.
In addition to the association board, which represents the association to the outside, there are project leaders for each research project, who coordinate the project and the team behind it. Since we do not only research, but also build and fly, many members are involved in the workshop activities and hold positions as aircraft maintainers, construction supervisors and many more. But also the public relations must not be neglected in such an association! So, there are also leaders for sponsoring, the website or the general presentation to the outside.
Association Board

Milo Esser
Finance Chairman
Sofia Băcanu
First Chairwoman
Simon Brun
Workshop Manager
Benjamin Bürger
Vice Chairman