Introduction Week

Published: 24.05.2024 by Benjamin Bürger

Are you interested in joining the FVA or getting to know the FVA better? Then come by during the Introduction Week, where we will introduce ourselves, the projects, flying, and everything that comes with it, and you can get involved right away. There is a selection of dates where you can check out the workshop and the airfield and get to know the people behind the FVA better. Please let us know if you will be joining by sending a short response to the email:
We have also created a WhatsApp community where there will be more information about the Introduction Week. You can join here: FVA Interessenten - WhatsApp Community

Day Date Location Time Event
Thursday 30.05. Lecture Hall LU 19:00 Presentation of FVA and projects
      20:00 Visit to the weekly meeting
Friday 31.05. Workshop 11:00 Tour through the workshop
      12:00 Research: Presentation of projects in the workshop
      14:00 Building: Repair of a defective wing for participation
      19:00 Joint barbecue at the workshop
Saturday 01.06. Workshop 11:00 Presentation of FVA and projects
      12:30 Building: Tour through the workshop
      14:00 Flying: Visit hangar and airfield, chance for a flight
        Parallel: Building: Laminating landing gear out of fiberglass
      19:00 Joint barbecue at the workshop
Sunday 02.06. Workshop 11:00 Building: Tour through the workshop
        Various tasks in the workshop
      13:00 Flying: Visit hangar and airfield, chance for a flight